Betreff: Fathers
  Datum: Sun, 11 Jan 2004 11:02:26 -0800
    Von: "Dr Badsha" <>
     An: <>

 Hi, I was forwarded your article about the flower protest of fathers at the
Council of Europe. I am not sure if you are aware of that ELC  submitted a
petition on behalf of EU citizens including Germany. The next phase of
submission in on behalf of fathers and children and your German fathers may
be interested. The site is:

I will need a signed copy of the petitioner and also a copy of the letter of
rejection from ecthr. Thank you for the links and you are doing a fine job
but if we are to be effective, we also need to use the law to show "abuse
and corruption" within the judiciary and blatant biasness against fathers,
children and grandparents. You may wish to know that we are preparing a case
on behalf of children against the Court services and judiciary.

I will greatly appreciate your assistance in bringing to the notice of your
father's groups of what we are doing and our need for support.

kind regards
Kartar Badsha